Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Chuck Kriese's American Tennis - Broadcast September 28, 2016 - 'Toughness is not a Born Instinct' - The progression of being a tennis player is much more than just the physical ability to hit the ball and to run. It is an affair of the heart, mind and soul as well. Mental toughness is not something that is natural. It has to be learned. Tennis teaches everything if there is a pure desire to be mentally tough and emotionally tough. It all has to be learned.... Join Chuck Kriese every Wednesday for 'American Tennis' at noon on We Coach Tennis Radio...

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chuck Kriese's American Tennis - Broadcast 9/21/16 - There is tremendous time wasted in misteps of poor training, wrong training and poor training. A good progression of skill set acquisition is laid out in these 13 steps explained by Coach Chuck Kriese. he lays out some easy to follow action steps on American Tennis. Listen to American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese every Wednesday at noon on the and on

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Chuck Kriese's American Tennis - Broadcast of September 14, 2016 - 'The Integrity of the True Competitor' - The integrity of the competitor has always been something quite unique and special. It is never compromised nor is it confused with pretender models. In Coach Kriese's instructional series he explores those things that should be championed by our leaders and how we may be drifting away from important lessons that tennis and athletics teach so well. Join American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese every Wednesday at noon on the and on 'We coach

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chuck Kriese's American Tennis - Broadcast of Sept. 7, 2016 - Chuck Kriese's guest is Coach Terry Deremer. As one of the best Collegiate Coaches of the 80s and 90s, Terry's teams thrived on being fair and tough competitors. His team redefined collegiate tennis with meat and potato fundamentals that players need. Listen each Wednesday to CK's American Tennis on the Also listen to the Podcast at