Wednesday, July 31, 2019

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast of July 31, 2019 - Guest: Coach Gaston Murray - Making the Transition from Junior to College to Professional Tennis - When a player decides on making the commitment to move through the ranks, there are many roadblocks and stumbling blocks. Coach Kriese interviews Coach Gaston Murray on how to transition from junior tennis to College and ultimately to the Pro ranks is made.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast of July 24, 2019 - 'The Ultimate Control is Learning to give up Control' - Once that the tennis match starts, the competitors are at the mercy of many forces and factors that are completely out of their control. Coach Kriese discusses learning how to give up control of what's not controllable and to maximize that which you can. Join Coach Kriese each week for 'American Tennis.' Follow Coach Kriese at