Wednesday, November 18, 2020

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast of Nov.18, 2020 - 'Short-Cuts never work and often do Great Damage - The use of Hybrid scoring and shortened formats have been purposely and meticulously bled into the sport of tennis. The Damage done far outweighs any good that could come from this effort to radically change the Great Sport of Tennis..Coach Kriese explores the multiple problems that arise on multiple fronts when the tennis scoring for matches is abreviated and shortened. Follow Coach Chuck Kriese at and listen to other shows at that site also. Follow Wednesdays on 'YellaBallNetwork.'

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast of Nov. 4, 2020 - Today's Guest is Coach John Denise: Coach John Denise is saying good-bye this month to his tennis audiences. American Tennis pays tribute to his 6 years of service. Thanks to this wonderful teacher and coach of so many years. His life of service to others is admired and highlighted. Join Coach Kriese each week on American Tennis. and also follow the 'YellaBallNetwork'